Track any public web page for content changes - no RSS or Atom feeds required
Multiple content engines with advanced features to deal with frames & iframes
High speed 5-minute tracking
No need for downloads, browser plugins or RRS/Atom readers. Access securely from any device, 24x7.
A powerful and unique feature - you can track web pages as though you were visting them from different geographic regions around the world.
Currently: USA, Germany, United Kingdom, Australia & India
read moreThe innovative "Browser Mode" feature uses our own network of selenium web-driver servers to fetch web content from "headless" server-installed browsers.
This powerful feature enables reliable tracking of web page content loaded "dynamically" with javascript & ajax. "Browser Mode" will even allow trackers to fetch web content protected by proxy-based security infrastructures.
OnWebChange can detect text changes within PDF documents. This can be a great way to track changes to terms & conditions documents, product catalogs or price lists etc.
You can also use OnWebChange as a useful way to extract plain text from PDF documents.
Web pages, PDF documents, plain text files, images, graphics and binary files
Web pages and xml can even be treated as plain text
Intelligent warning system - informs you when page stucture has changed or is no longer available
OnWebChange allows each tracker to have it's own custom header data that is used when tracking its target web page.
This feature can be used to store cookie information generated after a login, so that OnWebChange can track content protected by a login process.
"Point and click" CSS content selection
Track multiple parts of a webpage
Numeric content conversion
'CSS Selectors'Keep a record of all historic tracker content as it changes over-time.
Retrieve past tracker content.
Multi-language support - track pages in Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Greek...
Direct email
Pushover - An awesome notification service for mobile devices (iPhone and Android)
Email distribution list (a list of additional email address to receive tracker notifications)
URL "CallBacks" (to support asynchrous, event-driven, 3rd party applications)
Gather your notifications together or receive individual emails (great for GMail users)
Only receive notifications of particular content changes
Only get the notifications you want
'Change Report' with visually highlighted content changes (additions, deletions and differences)
Use the 'Holiday Mode' to pause all trackers and avoid filling up your inbox while you're away
Produce graphs and charts of historic tracker data (eg: temperature change over last 24 hours)
Export trackers and manage them externally in Excel (or any CSV/text editor)
Create, update and even delete multiple trackers with the flexible CSV Tracker Importer
Import large lists of URLs to be tracked in a single CSV (excel/calc) file.
Export your trackers and manage them externally as a CSV (excel/calc) file.
The bulk importer lets you create, update and even delete multiple trackers with a simple import process.
Track what you need, when you need it - with OnWebChange you can pause and resume trackers as and when you need them.
Organize your trackers into groups then filter & order by groups, labels, creation date and more
RSS Feeds: OnWebChange generates your own RSS tracker feed for use with other devices like mobile phones
Add a "Track this page" button to your website and send notifications to your customers/site visitors
Publish your trackers to the Tracker Library
Public Change Report (like this one) to easily share data with colleages or friends
Tracker 'Content URL', for example: OnWebChange blog (latest post title)
Allow public subscribers to your trackers